Fysisk konsultasjon på klinikk

Although many consultations can be done digitally, it is still both desirable and necessary for many to meet physically for the best possible follow-up.

A physical consultation is necessary in the following situations:
  • In case of new neurological signs or symptoms
  • After a trauma or accident
  • If a physical examination is necessary to confirm or deny a diagnosis
  • If an assessment of the head, neck, back, jaw or other structures is required to identify the most appropriate treatment, advice or exercises
  • If the patient is not comfortable with a digital consultation
  • If further treatment involves manual techniques, such as trigger point treatment, massage, stretching and/or mobilization/manipulation
  • A physical consultation with your GP is also necessary at the start of a course, as blood tests and other examinations are important to rule out other causes.

Book an appointment here.

If you live in the vicinity of the clinic, or wish to travel here, it may be advisable to take the first consultation in person to ensure that the initial assessment is as thorough as possible.
If a physical consultation is not possible or desirable the first time, we will usually be able to assess digitally whether there is an urgent need for further physical examination or treatment, or whether it can wait.

The first physical consultation will involve mapping your headache.
We will have a conversation and find out what your goals are for the follow-up.
Some people only want to find the cause of the headache and a diagnosis, while others also want treatment and preventive measures.

The initial physical consultation will continue with a thorough clinical examination, including observation, neurological examination, testing of the neck, back and jaw, and palpation and light pressure on relevant points, to assess where the headache is coming from.

We will try to accomplish as much as possible during the first consultation, including making a plan for further follow-up.
It may be necessary to establish a dialog with your GP, neurologist or X-ray institute for any other examinations, and to make the best possible interdisciplinary plan, of course with your consent.
If not already done, it will usually also be necessary to start a headache diary, as it can be crucial for making the right diagnosis and tailoring further treatment.


Hvem kan hjelpe

Konsultasjonene for hodepine både digitalt og fysisk foretas av klinikere med en mastergrad i hodepine. Har du hjernerystelse, har vi også klinikere med sertifisering innen hjernerystelsesrehabilitering.